1kg Pick your own Mix
To pick your selections, just double click on your sweets and a red box will show appear around your sweet options. You can choose up to ten different sweet options to make your own perfect 1kg mix.
Either purchase one time or subscribe and save, subscribing means you'll receive 1kg Pick your own mix per month, perfect for those movie nights in or trips out.
Please note we can not guarantee any of our sweets are NUT free.
** Please note should one of your selections be out of stock we will add extra of your other selections
Please find full list of Allergens and Ingredients on this website.
To pick your selections, just double click on your sweets and a red box will show appear around your sweet options. You can choose up to ten different sweet options to make your own perfect 1kg mix.
Either purchase one time or subscribe and save, subscribing means you'll receive 1kg Pick your own mix per month, perfect for those movie nights in or trips out.
Please note we can not guarantee any of our sweets are NUT free.
** Please note should one of your selections be out of stock we will add extra of your other selections
Please find full list of Allergens and Ingredients on this website.